Monday, March 2, 2009

Cute New Sayings

Alexandar is increasing his vocabulary daily, adding sometimes 5 and more words a day. Benjamin has several new sounds that are sounding more and more like words.

But yesterday does top all of the "where did that come from?" things Alexandar says. In the afternoon, he started replying to everything he would answer yes to by saying "yessir" and today he has added "no sir." Now, when I lived in Georgia, I would talk like that all the time, but we live in the north and people look at you funny if you say that. I would really love to know where he heard that and what caused him to start saying it, but there is no way a 2 year old can tell you that information. It does not matter to whom he is speaking, but every time he would say yes or no, it now ends with a "sir."

Another adorable thing he was saying the other day concerned cookies. Now, I'm not a big one on letting the kids have a bunch of sweets, but I had some rice krispy treats and let the boys share one. The step stool was out in the kitchen for some reason or another, and Alexandar was standing on it by the counter. Grandma was over as I had been working as was just home for lunch and was out in the living room. Alexandar has a bite or two and starts literally shouting, "I wuv cookies, Gamma. I wuv cookies, Gamma." It was the the cutest thing.

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