Thursday, January 22, 2009

Battle of the Wills

Have I mentioned my son is extremely strong- willed? This would be Alexandar, of course. Here's the latest in our challenges with our son. On Sunday, we turn on the Christian music on TV (we have digital cable) and have that on as we are getting ready. Well, Alexandar did not want to have that on, he wanted to watch a cartoon. He gave me the " 'mote" and when I said no, we were going to listen to music, he proceeded to throw himself on the floor and holler. Mommy and Daddy decided to give him a time out, where he continued to pitch a fit. He refused to say he was sorry, and screamed instead so the time out escalated to sending him to his crib. After a few minutes in there, I went back in to ask him if he was ready to say sorry, have him milk and breakfast. He reached up him arms, said "Mama, sowwry" and continued on with his day in a compliant and happy mood.

Monday, however, presented more battles.

I have debated the whole eating struggle. When he was starting to eat table food, he ate whatever we were having, no problem. Now he seems to have more of an opinion and is lately, refusing all types of pasta, which had always been a staple with him. However, now I'm not sure if I should just make whatever we are having and if he doesn't want it, he doesn't eat.... or should I have him sit at the table and insist he tries one bite?? I don't mind asking him what he would like and making a healthy choice for lunch. Breakfast always goes well.... I don't mind making him a bagel if sister is having cereal.... no biggie. Anyhow, at lunch on Monday all he would eat were green beans. After two good sized helpings, he wanted more but I figured that was plenty of green veggies for his little system in one day and tried to get him to eat macaroni and cheese. Just one little piece. I think he would like some things he won't try if he'd just taste one bite. I made him sit at the table and he intermittently cried and sat him protesting silence. While he carried on, I was able to put Benjamin to sleep through the fit and then tried to work with Alexandar on just trying one little piece. Well, while sitting on my lap after carrying on for approximately 1 1/2 hours, he fell asleep.

Who won that battle? Hmm, I don't think anyone did. I don't know what I would have done differently, but I figured once I had insisted he take a bite, I shouldn't back down and give in to the fit. I think some more reading on raising a strong-willed child is in order!

1 comment:

Amanda Pittman said...

Okay, coming at this from the other side, don't start making different meals for him! Insist that he sit at the table with you, give him very small portions (I've read that they can be overwhelmed, so its better to start out with less than they will eat than more). I'll check the papers that the doctor gave me on this issue (I can't remember due to the effects of the anesthesia:)....