Tuesday, November 11, 2008

9 months and moving!

Mr. Benjamin is very busy these days. He started crawling nearly 2 months ago and picked it up in just a few days. He's been pulling himself up to EVERYTHING and in just the past few days, he started walking around things. I really think he'd love to be walking, but he's just still so chunky that he doesn't have the balance for it yet. A week ago Wednesday, he started to wave. It's the cutest thing. He doesn't do it often or "on request" generally.... just when he feels like it. His timing is off, but he can do it. I read somewhere that by laughing and tickling and smiling, babies learn humor from us, that they aren't born with it. Well, I strongly disagree with that. No one taught Benjamin to take his brother's pacifier, yet he gets this big grin on his face and tries to grab it right out of Alexandar's mouth. :)

I've been a little concerned about weaning him because he is SUCH a mama's boy. He won't allow anyone else to rock him to sleep at night, he would not drink from a bottle, and makes a face when given formula, even from a sippy cup that he'll drink other beverages from. Well, just in the past week, he allowed daddy to put him to bed three nights in a row! Not only that, but he decided a bottle is now acceptable. I know it's early, but I've been giving him whole milk warmed up in a bottle and he's been handling it just fine. He even took a bottle before bedtime last night, which was a first as he's still wanted to nurse for that feeding. I'm hoping that the more he takes the bottle, the less he'll want to nurse and will start sleeping through the night. Right now, I'm still up around 12-1 and 4-5, depending... MOMMY WANTS SLEEP! It's not like the little bugger isn't being fed enough... he'll eat three meals, plus snacks and then will still want to eat from our dinner plates. He has not turned down anything yet! He can see a crumb from across the room and in 2 seconds, is on the other side of the room and is putting it in his mouth. And we thought Alexandar was an eater! Just goes to sow, ya never know!!

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