Monday, November 3, 2008


Shawn and I were given a fantastic joint birthday gift.... my parents treated us to dinner and a movie and kept the kids! They watched them at their house while we went out, but brought them to our house so they could all go to sleep in their own beds. Shawn got home from work while I was getting ready and I decided we should pick out one another's clothes for the evening. Even though he kinda fussed about it, I think Shawn enjoyed choosing my outfit. =) We had a fabulous dinner and enjoyed one another's company without children!! I seriously cannot remember the last time the two of us went out for an evening alone. With finances being tight, it makes it difficult. And the last time we did go out for a dinner and movie, we were with my brother and his date. That was before Benjamin was born and he's 9 months old now.

The movie we had wanted to see was "Fireproof" which is put out by a church in Georgia that produced another movie with a sports theme a few years ago. I can't remember the title right now, but it was an excellent family film. This movie is definitely for married couples and I would encourage anyone who's married to go and see it. We really enjoyed it and yes, you can tell that it's low budget with some of the acting but all in all, it's fantastic. For the past 3 weeks, it's been in the top 10, just fell to 11 last week and the book that they talk about in the movie is on the New York Times Bestsellers list, but is difficult to find, as it is sold out of many places.

We really had an excellent time and hopefully my new job will allow for a little extra so we can have more opportunities to just be out together.

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