Sunday, October 19, 2008

Fall Is Fun!

Yesterday we (Nana, Papa, & I) took the kids for a walk down a new bike trail in the next town over, Alma. It's very nice and the colors are so pretty out right now. Round trip, we probably went around 4 miles and my Alexandar insisted on walking most of it. He is such a funny and stubborn little boy. The train tracks are close enough by that you can hear if a train happens to go by. At some point this summer, he decided he didn't like the sound of the train. I've tried to make it a little easier by teaching him the train says "chugga chugga chugga choo choo" and the arms motions that go with that. He was riding on Papa's shoulders, pumping his arms back and forth and saying choo choo! It was quite cute. His stubborness (not sure at all where that came from) came out when my monkey decided he wanted to climb a fence but was told no. He refused to leave the fence and didn't throw a fit, just stood there with a look that said, you can tell me no, but you'll have to drag me away, which is just what Papa did. Meanwhile, Izi is collecting leaves with her "Nan" (she's decided to shorten it, while Alexandar yells out "Naaa Neeyy" which is said in two separate syllables with a breath in between) and Benjamin is taking it all in, and falls asleep on our way back to the car.

Today after everyone 5 and under got their nap, we took them all outside to ride the quad and go cart. Nana and Izi decided to make a big pile of leaves in the front yard and plow through them full speed ahead with the go cart. I attempted to take a few pictures, but of course it's all blurry when there is so much movement. Shawn chased them around on the quad for awhile. Oddly, Alexandar did not want to ride, just hold on to the quad key. This is not unusual, as he typically will go straight for where it's hung up every time we go to Nana and Papa's. As soon as we see Nana and Papa's house from the road, he starts saying "quad key" or "papa quad" or quad with something we haven't figured out yet. Hopefully there is still some pleasant days ahead to get out and enjoy more fall beauty!

1 comment:

Amanda Pittman said...

Gee, I wonder where that stubborness comes from?? ;)
We're a lot alike in that area! Sounds like you had fun! I SO wish we lived closer so we could have playdates....
Are you going to Homecoming? Not sure yet....