Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Too Big Already!

Just over 3 weeks ago, Benjamin took off crawling. He had gone backwards a little bit and was up on all fours, but hadn't gone for it yet. Once he made up his mind, he was off. There was none of this scooting or army crawling for him... oh no... we are just going to do it right the first time! About a week and a half ago, he started pulling himself up to lower objects and now he's fully standing and pulling himself up! Which means he can reach all things on the coffee table and reach nearly to the middle, so not much is safe anymore. He sometimes crawls by walking on his feet instead of his knees and can balance himself upright on one knee.

Last night for dinner, I made cheese raviolli and sausage casserole. He immediately made his way towards Shawn, who let him taste some tomato sauce. When daddy's bowl was empty, he found mommy to mooch from. I decided to let him try some raviolli and he loved it! He probably ate about two whole ones before he was full, and they are quite large.... I made a bag of frozen ones and they pretty big. Well, today at lunch I attempted to feed him his green beans mixed with cereal, but Izi and I were having our sandwhiches and he figured out he wasn't getting the same thing, and after 3 or 4 bites, was through with that. I tore off small pieces of bread with just jelly on it and then he ate another 1/2 of slice of bread and jelly. I think our baby food days, even though they just began a few months ago, are on their way out the door. Many people said that Benjamin would be slower to do things because he had brother and sister to do it for him, but I'm finding just the opposite to be true.... that he is moving much more quickly to keep up with everyone else!

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