Thursday, October 23, 2008

My girl is 6! (more added)

I can't believe that today marks Isabelle's 6th birthday! While I didn't know her for nearly the first two years of her life, and wasn't actively involved until she was nearly 3, I can now say I've been around longer than I haven't! I recently told her the story about the first time we met. I was in the Chicago area for Tara's wedding, and the next day was my birthday. Shawn drove down to see me for my birthday and we took Isabelle to Chicago. She was very shy at that time, and Daddy said she rarely let anyone take her that she didn't know. Well, his arms and shoulders got tired after awhile and so I took her for a bit and she actually let me carry her. She wasn't talking much at that time, but loved the Disney store and Daddy bought her a special treat! I was amazed that she went for Chinese food. When Shawn dropped me off at Tara's parents' house that evening, he kissed me good-bye and we could hear Isabelle laughing from inside the Jeep. While I'm not her biological mother, I feel we are very attached and ever since Shawn and I were married, she's chosen to call me "mom." (much to the dismay of her "real" mom) Even though I'm the step-mom, I treasure this child with all my heart and desire to see her grow to be a (I'm struggling to complete this sentence because there are so many things I want for her) strong, Christian, virtuous woman despite what she faces when she is not in our home. Shawn and I strongly desire for her to live with us 100% instead of 50% of the time, but until Isabelle is old enough to choose, it will remain so.

Happy Birthday my dear sweet girl!!!


Shawn picked up Isabelle on his way home from work, per our schedule. Am I the unusual one, or do you typically celebrate your child's birthday with a special meal and include family, if they are close enough to do so?? Well, she had eaten soup from a can and chips for her birthday dinner. It's not the best meal, but for a busy mom, it's understandable once in awhile. But this was her birthday!!! As she usually does, she ate a second dinner here. I had made a full meal, not anticipating she would eat with us since I thought she would do something special for her birthday with her other family, but had made plenty just in case. I asked her a few weeks back if when she went to her other house, if she ate another dinner there like she did when she came here. She said "no... I might have a piece of gum but I don't eat." I decided to take it a little further and tell her she can always eat here if she wants to, but asked why she was usually still hungry when she got here. She replied as honestly as young children do, "The food is better here." While that made me feel good, it also made me ache for her even more. That precious girl shouldn't have to deal with everything that she does. An adult couldn't handle it, and the court expects and 6 year old to thrive? Anyway, I could ramble on and on about that. I know we do and all of my family prays for her daily. Lord, protect this child as You have created her and she is dearly loved by You.

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