Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Citizen Rights

Well, I undertook my civic duty and did go to the poll to vote yesterday. Right away I was perturbed at the sign posted outside our township hall. "Remember, you only vote every four years, so choose carefully." They might as well have posted an Obama sign instead. Then, as Shawn and I are looking over the ballot, a volunteer starts to go over it with us, even though we have said we didn't need assistance, and tells us that we don't want to fill in the top section, casting our ballot as a straight party ticket. Well, yes.... actually I do want to do that. Don't tell me how to vote, woman! Now that I think about it.... yes, everyone in the room was wearing blue. Grrr, just let me vote, please.

Am I disappointed in the outcomes? Yes, certainly. Not only did America elect Barak Obama, but Michigan sent Carl Levin back to the senate, and he's ssooo liberal. And by the way, if you'd like to smoke a dubie, just drive on up to Michigan.... it's legal here now. For medical purposes only. Yeah. Right. "Officer, I'm not selling this marijuana... it's for my sick grandmother. Uhh, yes... I have to meet her here on this street corner." Michigan also voted in support of stem cell research. The news media fails to mention where the "discarded embryos" are from. However, I can stand tall knowing that I did my part in this election and regardless of the outcome, I voted based on my values and I have nothing for which to be ashamed. Now so even more do we need to pray for our leaders that they will have the wisdom with which to make the right and moral choices for our country.

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