Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Latest Things

It is amazing how much a (nearly) 2 year old will change in just a week. He is daily adding 2 or 3 words to his vocabulary. Some of my favorites.... "ca-ca-ball" which I haven't figured out if that is basketball or soccerball, since he is familiar with both. "Where are you?" followed him calling out for Papa when there wasn't a response from Papa. He is increasingly unhappy with a wet diaper, even when it is barely wet. He wanted all of his clothes off, no diaper, and didn't want the big boy pants Mommy offered last night. I'm not sure what the deal with no clothes is right now, but he tries, and sometimes succeeds in removing his clothes or will holler until you help him. If it were summer, I wouldn't be very concerned, but it's too cold out for sans clothes. Maybe he's having a hard time adjusting to sleeves and long pants.... who knows at this point!

Benjamin started standing on his own yesterday! He pushed himself up from the floor and stood for 30 seconds or more and balanced with a toy in each hand! I saw him do this 3 or 4 times and it just amazed me that he's strong enough to do that without first pulling himself up to a couch or coffee table. We also started the sleeping all night process last night. We were given the advice and counsel that by 2 months, a baby is able to control sleep patterns more and has the capability to sleep through the night. When they wake up, just let them cry, and within 3 nights, they will have adjusted and will start sleeping through the night. Well, the first time he woke up (around 11 PM) he cried for about 45 minutes. An hour and a half after he fell asleep, he was up again, this time for only 10 minutes. The 3rd time he woke up was 5 AM, which is when I usually let him nurse and then he goes back to sleep until 7, 7:30. I'm hoping tonight goes more smoothly, but overall, I don't think he did too bad!

1 comment:

Amanda Pittman said...

Oh yes, I remember the sans clothing period! Its a stage. Try not to make a big deal about it, and they get over it eventually. If he's cold, he'll keep them on:) Sounds like it may be time to get a potty chair! At least to experiment with. And when there is success, CELEBRATE!

Benjamin is too little to start standing alone! Of course, being the youngest, they always want to keep up with big brother:)