Monday, November 3, 2008

"Treating" without the "Trick"

This Halloween was Alexandar's 2nd, but his first real experience with trick or treating. I tried to get him to say that phrase, but since he already knows the word treat, we just went with that. The boys were teddy bears and looked so cute with their brown noses. The weather was in the high 60s, so all in all, a gorgeous day. We made a stop at Nana's quilt shop earlier in the day to try out this whole concept of trick-or-treating. He carried in his little pumpkin bucket, I got him to say 'treat' and Nana stuck in some candy corn. Well, he thought that was just great and ate those right down. That night when we walked through the neighborhood, he was a little nervous at the first house, and I had to carry him up there. However, once he realized there was candy in his pumpkin, he was running down the driveway to the next house. He became very comfortable with these perfect strangers that had candy and wanted to grab right in the bowls. They thought he was pretty cute, just laughed and usually gave him a second piece. Benjamin rode in the wagon with daddy pulling and didn't seem to realize he was missing all the fun. Next year will be interesting with both of them, as I know Benjamin will not be content on the sidelines then! I just hope that Alexandar was only so trusting of people and the candy because was with Mommy and Mommy said it was ok. That could be a little scary otherwise.

After about 40 minutes of "treating" we had to drive down to pick up Isabelle and then we headed out to a couple in our church's house for a bonfine and Fall Party. They have woods and a nice trail where bags of candy are hidden and the kids go and search. We wait until it's dark, then all the kids draw a number and search for the candy. If they find a bag that isn't their number, they have to put it back. This works well because all the bags are filled equally with a variety so the little kids don't get cheated and with the bags having numbers, you have to keep looking until you find the right now. Alexandar and Izi went out with Nana and Papa to find their bags and just had a lot of fun running around. Saturday Isabelle didn't get up until almost 10 AM... she was just so worn out! Now, if only the other two could have slept that late as well...... =)

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